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Dovetailed Page 9
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Page 9
Someday we’ll come back to this spot and have a proper kiss , she thought.
Now, though, she needed to locate Dervinias and figure out what happened. Part of her thought she shouldn’t worry. He was a Kelvieri, after all. Earth, the people on it, and their weapons shouldn’t be able to harm him.
But somehow they had.
The goddess in her knew he was in trouble. Various scenarios played in her mind. While she knew a lot, a great deal more than she ever thought possible, the powers were still too new to know exactly what had happened to Dervinias on this world. On Kelari it was different. Ith and Aetha had given her all they knew. They’d also given her what they knew of Earth, and the ways needed to determine where all creatures were. Determining different creatures on different planets… that was still too new. Thanks to the device taken from the Transport, she knew where his spacecraft had landed and decided to start there.
Using her powers she thought of Cheverley’s ranch. She’d gone riding there. It’d been cold and snowy then. Now, the summer heat beat against her face. She closed her eyes, tipped her head toward the sky, and thought of the enormous cattle ranch.
Instantly, she was there. She knew it and, when she opened her eyes, her surroundings proved it.
“Chev’s house.” The Hartford Ranch. She knew there was a sign above the entrance to the ranch bearing those words. The house looked the same, southern ranch style painted yellow. Dark green shutters hung on either side of the windows. A white column stood on either side of the steps leading up to the front door. The porch ran the length of the house.
Two training corrals still stood in front. A horse had been placed in one and it trotted in a circle. She thought the animal looked familiar. It only took a second to realize it was Ishtar, the horse she’d ridden the last time she was here. Ishtar seemed to sense her presence. She came to the edge of the fence closest to Venus and stuck her head over the fence.
“Hey, girl,” Venus whispered.
The horse’s ears pricked up and she nickered.
Venus wanted to stroke the tuft of hair between her eyes, but she needed to hurry. “Maybe some other time.”
Venus scanned the area for clues as to what happened to Dervinias. It was simple to detect that this had been where his Transport landed. She could make out the slight impressions from the landing gear. It also looked like something had been dragged; she guessed it was probably Dervinias. She knelt down and touched a portion of dirt that looked wet, then brought it to her nose. It was celestrum—Kelvieri blood. He’d somehow been wounded.
She’d given Dervinias the Ostwallow sword. Had the leader of A.L.T. used it against him? If so, Dervinias could be dead. The Ostwallow sword was a weapon too powerful for humans. She needed to get it and Dervinias back as soon as possible.
Worried, Venus followed the trail through dense trees to an opening where there were several sets of tire tracks. A.L.T. hadn’t made much of an effort to hide their presence.
She followed the trail, instinctively knowing it would lead her to the A.L.T. compound and Abe. Venus forced herself to stay calm, to remember she was different in every way than she had been the last time she’d seen the evil doctor. Abe couldn’t harm her now.
When the barbwire fence surrounding the compound came into view she winced, but quickly forced herself not to think of the tests he’d done on her, the instruments he’d used, and the way he’d pulled her body apart and put it back together again.
“Cret,” she swore and easily jumped the fence. There were cameras attached to the building. She focused on avoiding them, keeping just out of range until she reached a door. It was the same one she and Michael had escaped through so many months ago. She pulled on the handle and wasn’t surprised to find it locked. Venus yanked, using her powers, and the door opened. An alarm went off. Touching the source, a keypad next to the door, she silenced it, then stepped inside.
The door led to a hallway. It was almost completely black except for the eerie red light that flashed on and off. She entered and allowed the door to close behind her.
The only sound was an annoying buzzing coming from the light. When she’d been in here last time, she hadn’t been able to see much. This time she could make out the closed doors. Each had a glass window. She peered inside one. A cockroach-looking creature kept running into the back wall and bouncing off, then doing it all over again.
“Awful,” she whispered, moving to the next window.
Inside was a Dorvey. The creatures were indigenous to Mars. This one wasn’t very large, probably a baby. It looked sick. A creamy substance leaked from its mouth. She felt bad for it, even if looking at it brought up memories of being eaten by one in Helker.
Venus sighed and moved on.
Across the hall was another creature, one Venus hadn’t seen in real life before. It was short with a curly tail and pointed ears, like a pig and an elf. They were from the planet Ovady. It seemed to sense her presence and looked up. She thought about opening the door, saving it, and she put her hand on the door. Suddenly an appendage shot out of its mouth and attached itself to the glass directly in front of her face.
Venus jumped back, surprised, and moved on to another door. And another. And another. And another. She was starting to worry and knew she was running out of time. Sooner or later security would discover she was there and come for her.
She needed to find Dervinias. Now.
At the end of the hall she peeked through the window of the last door. Inside was an ant-looking creature, one she didn’t recognize. That meant she’d need to go down another hallway, which meant opening another door.
She took a deep breath and yanked the door open. Another alarm went off. She quieted it and started looking in more windows. About halfway down on the right side, she finally found him. He was shirtless, lying on his back, his eyes closed. Row after row of cuts lined his chest, his arms. His skin was pale.
Real panic rose in her chest. Had A.L.T.—Abe—somehow killed him? She yanked open the door. His eyes fluttered opened and he gasped.
“V?” he asked, his voice raspy. “You’re here.”
“Shhhh, it’s okay. I’m going to get you out of here.” She helped him sit up and noticed a strange smell coming off him. “Can you walk?”
“I don’t know. Yes… maybe… yes.” He tried to stand but fell back on the bed. “I-I’m woozy.”
Venus lifted him easily. “It’s okay. I’ve got you.”
“You are something else, you know that?”
“Yeah, I know,” she answered, walking him to the door. They entered the hallway and were almost to the exit when a group of armed security guards arrived.
“Stop. Stay where you are,” a big guy shouted.
Venus stopped, released Dervinias, and whispered, “I’ll be back.” She quickly took in their weapons, making sure none were in possession of the Ostwallow sword. Not that it could hurt her, but it might be used to destroy Dervinias. She didn’t want that to happen.
When she was sure none of them had it she ran at the men, taking out the first with the palm of her hand to his chin, then grabbing his gun and shooting another in the arm he was using to hold a gun. Shots were being fired at her but they just bounced off like popcorn. She ignored them and continued, pulling two more guns from two other men and breaking them in half. She jumped into the air and did a roundhouse kick to the face of the final guard. None of them were dead, which was as she’d planned, but they were all incapacitated.
They moaned and yelped in pain, but she ignored them and ran back to Dervinias.
“You’re kick ass, V,” Dervinias said, leaning heavily against Venus as they walked out of the building and into the sunlight.
Abe was standing there. He held a gun. “It’s good to see you again,” Abe said, his voice filled with malice.
“I’m different, Abe. Your guns can’t hurt me.”
“This one will.” He smiled wider and shot her. Nothing happened. It bounced off as the others did,
but she noticed a distinct smell, one that was different than the gunpowder.
“See?” Venus said, walking toward him.
“But aren’t you the same as that one?” he asked, pointing at Dervinias. As he spoke he took a step back. “The king of your planet said this poison would stop your kind.”
Venus set Dervinias down and used Britorent to grab Abe by the neck. “My kind isn’t from Kelari.” She lifted him off the ground and high into the air. “You really have no idea how vast the Universe is, do you?” Abe grabbed hold of her arm and tried to scratch and punch. She felt the touch, but it didn’t hurt. “Where is the Ostwallow sword?”
“The wha…?” he asked, gagging.
She knew she was crushing his windpipe and loosened her grip. “Where is the sword Dervinias had on him?”
Abe’s eyes got wide. “It was taken to a different facility. They’re running tests. They want to find a way to duplicate the weapon.”
Of course they do , Venus thought disgustedly. She squeezed his throat tighter.
He squealed like a little girl and started to cry. “Please, don’t hurt me. I swear. I’m telling the truth.”
The way Abe had cut into her and pulled out her organs the last time she was here flashed in front of her eyes. “You should be put on a table,” she said, her words boiling with anger. “You seem to enjoy torture. Perhaps it’s time you get a feel for what it’s like.”
He screamed again. Cried harder. Venus would’ve been amused if she weren’t so angry. “It’s my job. I do what I’m told to do,” Abe said. His legs started to shake and the front of his pants got wet.
Venus tossed him away like he was a rag doll. He fell to the concrete and Venus was there, hovering over him. “You need to find another career. Immediately.”
He covered his head with his arms. “Yes. You’re right. I will.”
She snorted, knowing he was lying but no longer interested in dealing with him. The sword was lost. For now. At some point they’d have to come back for it. Humans were already some of the cruelest creatures she’d ever met. They didn’t need any more help killing.
Pushing back some loose hair she walked over and helped Dervinias stand.
“You’re scary,” he said.
Venus chuckled. “I know.” She lifted him off the ground. “Wrap your arms around me.”
Dervinias smirked. “I don’t think your husband would approve of you putting the moves on me.”
She draped a arm around his waist and thought once again of Chev’s house. That’s where the Transport would arrive—its last known destination. She intended to put Dervinias in it and send him home.
When they arrived at the ranch Dervinias opened his eyes. “That was awesome. Remind me to use you for all my travel needs.”
In answer, she dropped him. “You’re so unfunny.”
“Ouch,” he said, grabbing his chest.
“The Transport will be here in a few.” She sighed, wondering how Michael was doing.
“I can’t leave you alone for a second, can I?”
Venus stiffened.
“Michael.” She turned, and there he was.
Kind of.
There was an outline of him. He looked like a dark shadow. Her dark shadow.
“Michael,” she whispered again. He was alone, without her irrihunter. “Where’s Sadraden?”
“She’s safe. I sent her back to Kelari. I’m sure she’s fine and will be happy to see you.”
He watched her body relax. “I thought so, but wanted to make sure.”
Michael quirked a brow. That was a strange thing to say. How would she know? He got the feeling there was a lot about her he still didn’t understand.
As Venus walked toward him his heart melted. Not knowing everything about her didn’t bother him. He was curious, but he was also patient. They’d have forever to figure it out.
Michael loved her. Venus was everything he ever fantasized about and so much more. Even though he hadn’t been looking for his true love, he’d found her. Or, more accurately, the Gods of Kelari, Venus’s parents, had sent her to find him. They cared about him, more than he’d cared for himself at the time.
“What are you doing here?” Venus asked, surprised. “And your body? What? Is this what you actually look like?” She reached out to touch him and her fingers went through him. She jerked back as though she’d been stung.
Michael had forgotten to change when he saw her. He swiftly pulled on the Kelvieri part of himself and reached out to take her hand. “It’s okay. It’s me.”
She nodded, still surprised. He wrapped her in a tight hug. There was so much they didn’t know about each other. There hadn’t been time. One of these days they’d settle down and figure all this out.
“Crazy,” Dervinias said, pushing himself to his knees.
Michael looked over Venus’s shoulder at the Kelvieri. He was barely alive, which made no sense. Dervinias was an immortal. It seemed impossible that he could be so close to death. There’d been a time when he would’ve loved to see Dervinias as he was now, but the Kelvieri scientist had changed and, as much as it pained him to admit it, Michael felt bad for Dervinias now.
“What happened to him?” he asked Venus.
“Abe and the new leader of A.L.T. somehow weakened him. They tortured him,” she whispered.
Michael squeezed her tighter, pressing his cheek against her hair. Her smell had changed slightly since she’d become a god; it was like mint and lavender now. She was fragrant and delicious and beyond beautiful. He couldn’t get over how lucky he was. Why would Venus, an actual goddess, have anything to do with him, let alone have feelings for him? Not that he was going to complain. He’d be forever in awe and incredibly grateful, but never complain. “It’s so good to see you.” He kissed her forehead, reveling in the softness of her skin. She tilted her head up and he kissed her lips. She tasted even better than she smelled.
After several minutes, Dervinias cleared his throat. “I’m dying over here. You two think you can do that later?”
Venus smiled against Michael’s lips and then backed away. “Did you get the blood of the Leviathan leader?”
Michael pulled the Illeyse from under his shirt. She touched it. “You did,” she said quietly. Delighted admiration glowed on her face.
“Yep. It was easy,” he lied. Maybe someday he’d share the story. Right now it was still too new and he didn’t want to think about it.
Venus obviously knew he wasn’t telling the truth because she smacked him on the chest. “I’m glad you’re okay.”
“Me too,” he whispered, kissing her again, pressing her mouth open.
“Seriously,” Dervinias huffed.
Michael and Venus ignored him until the Transport landed, then they helped Dervinias get inside and programmed his return route. Venus was sending him back to the Transport room, where there would be physicians standing by to assist in his healing process and figure out what kind of poison was used to incapacitate Dervinias.
“See ya on the flipside,” Dervinias said sarcastically. Michael shut him inside the Transport and he and Venus stepped back as it took off.
When he was gone, Michael wrapped her in another hug. He knew she had something important to do. He did too, and he knew time was of the essence, but he wasn’t eager to let her go. “Let’s do something.” He bent so they were eye level. It was obvious she didn’t want to leave him just yet either.
“Like what?” she asked, a radiant smile lighting up her face.
Michael shrugged, trying to decide. Since their wedding day—that wasn’t even a real wedding—they’d had zero alone time. There were things he wanted to do, things that required getting her undressed and into a bed. But there wasn’t time for that right now. He knew once he got her under the covers, they’d be there a while.
Venus seemed to read his expression. “I know what you’re thinking…” her voice trailed off. She ached just as he did. “But I don’t think—”
agree. Now isn’t the time, as badly as I want it to be.”
“So do I,” she said, snuggling against him so their bodies were flush with each other.
Michael groaned, forcing away the excitement he felt at having her body so near his. “I’ve got an idea.” He took her hand. “Shall we travel your way or mine?”
Her eyes danced with joy. “What’s your way?”
“Wrap your arms around me.”
Venus complied, resting her cheek against his chest, so close he had a random thought of tasting her soul. He’d done it before and enjoyed it immensely. She hadn’t minded either. Instead, he folded his arms around her and thought of the place where they’d met for the first time.
An instant later they were there. He searched the area, making sure no one else was around. When he looked at Venus he saw she’d been watching him.
“I was just here and was thinking I wanted to come back to this place.”
“You were?” he asked, not surprised. They were connected. It was more than their souls, more than the attraction they had for each other. There was no explanation for it, though. It was a cosmic, unknowable thing and he would do anything to keep what they had.
“Yes.” Venus walked over to the log, the one he’d been sitting on when he first saw her. She straddled it so that the log was between her legs, and then patted the spot in front of her.
His body hummed to life and he rushed over, sitting like she was. “Hi,” he said, feeling nervous for some reason.
She laughed and he could tell she was nervous too. “Hi,” she returned.
They stared at each other for what seemed like a long time. Her eyes were the most beautiful color he’d ever seen. They sparkled in the sunlight, flecks of diamond shining. Michael took her hand in his, caressing her palm with his fingers. She leaned forward and he kissed her.
Michael knew he would never tire of her lips. She tasted like strawberries. He pulled her forward. Venus lifted her legs over his. He pulled her tight against him. Her body touching his, her lips on his—she felt incredible. His body responded. He wanted her. Pressing her mouth open he deepened the kiss, teasing his tongue into her mouth. She moaned, grabbing hold of the sleeves of his shirt and pulling him even closer.